
English words that Originated from Telugu

Here is a list of words that have originated from Telugu metad a small field rat (Millardia meltada) Telugu dialect mettād metad rat a small field rat (Millardia meltada) Telugu dialect mettād bandaka okra Kanarese beṇḍe-kāyi or Telugu beṇḍa-kāya Nagari   devanagari Sanskrit nāgarī, literally, (writing) of the city, from nagara city, of Dravidian origin; akin to Tamil nakar dwelling, city, Telugu nagaru palace bandakka okra Kanarese beṇḍe-kāyi or Telugu beṇḍa-kāya bandicoot any of several very large rats (genera Bandicota and Nesokia) of southern Asia destructive to crops Telugu pandikokku bockadam an aquatic, mildly venomous snake (Cerberus rynchops synonym Hurria rynchops) native to India, southeastern Asia, and northern Australia borrowed from Telugu bukkaḍamu “eel, water snake” ...

English Words that have originated from Tamil

Here is a list of 100+ words that have some root in Tamil language machila a hammock slung on a pole used for carrying passengers in many parts of Africa Portuguese, perhaps from Tamil macil, mañcil stage in a journey, from Hindi manzil, from Arabic mamoty a hand tool used for digging and cultivating in southeastern Asia Tamil mammaṭṭi, alteration of maṇ-veṭṭi, from maṇ earth + veṭṭi spade sandalwood the compact close-grained fragrant yellowish heartwood of a parasitic tree (Santalum album of the family Santalaceae, the sandalwood family) of southern Asia much used in ornamental carving and cabinetwork sandal sandalwood (from Middle English, from Anglo-French sandali, from Medieval Latin sandalum, from Late Greek santalon, ultimately from Sanskrit candana, of Dravidian origin; akin to Tamil cāntu sandalwood tree) + wood entry 1 Gurmukhi the alphabet that the sacred texts of the Sikhs in whatever lan...